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2012-2018年巢湖水质变化趋势分析和蓝藻防控建议   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
巢湖自1990s中期至2012年间水质明显改善,但是近年来水质改善效果变缓,2018年蓝藻水华面积显著增加,为有效评估巢湖水体环境的变化,通过对20122018年巢湖17个点位的逐月调查数据分析阐述了近年来巢湖水质和藻情的变化特征,并在流域空间尺度上分析了巢湖流域水污染治理的进展和不足,为后续治理方向的调整和确定提供支撑.20122018年湖区调查数据显示:巢湖湖体总磷和总氮浓度显著升高,铵态氮浓度显著下降,水华蓝藻总量显著升高.在空间上,各污染指标水平呈现由西向东呈逐渐降低的趋势,但是各指标在不同湖区随时间的变化趋势差异明显,西部湖区的总磷、总氮和水华蓝藻指标近年来略有下降或持平,中部和东部湖区则显著升高,所以巢湖湖体总氮和总磷浓度的升高主要源于中、东部湖区的升高,这也是这两个湖区水华蓝藻变动的主要驱动因素.主要入湖河口数据显示:西部4条主要入湖污染河流(南淝河、十五里河、塘西河和派河)水质明显改善,但仍处于较高污染水平,中东部入湖河流(兆河、双桥河和柘皋河)总磷浓度明显升高,是中东部湖区水体营养盐升高的主要原因.中东部河流入湖污染的增加加剧了该区域湖体的富营养化水平,尤其是总磷浓度明显提升,导致中东部湖区夏季水华蓝藻的优势种从鱼腥藻种类演替为微囊藻种类.夏季微囊藻的大量繁殖,使得2018年巢湖中东部湖区部分月份水华面积异常增高.因此,巢湖流域的治理应该在持续强化流域西部合肥市污染治理的同时,增加对流域中部和东部治理的关注和投入.  相似文献   
吕利强 《探矿工程》2020,47(3):53-58
滇西南中生代盐盆地钾盐资源调查评价项目MK-3井,设计井深2700 m,全孔取心,岩心直径≮80 mm,一般井段岩心采取率达到80%以上,盐岩段岩心采取率>95%。工程技术要求高,施工难度大。施工中遇到了地层坍塌、涌水、掉块、盐岩溶蚀等问题,通过采用氯化镁饱和盐水冲洗液,HXY-9B型钻机取心钻进、TSJ-2000型水源钻机扩孔钻进,分级下管隔离等措施,圆满完成了钻探任务。完钻井深2701 m,岩心采取率90%,盐岩段岩心采取率达98.65%,终孔口径127 mm,岩心直径81 mm。经地球物理测井,各项指标都达到了设计要求。刷新了国内CHD127标准绳索取心钻杆P口径钻探深度的记录。  相似文献   
岩溶含水层的极不均一性特征使岩溶水溶质运移受构造、裂隙空间及其发育方向控制;因环境条件复杂,开展岩溶水污染原位修复技术难度较大,截止目前,国内尚未系统地开展岩溶含水层水污染原位修复研究工作。文章选择鲁中南山区典型岩溶发育及硝酸盐污染地段,施工组合钻孔建设修复试验工程,采用“乙醇+葡萄糖”液态碳源和“聚乙烯醇+淀粉颗粒”固态反应器分别进行岩溶水硝酸盐污染原位修复试验。结果表明:浓度500 mg?L-1、1 000 mg?L-1的“乙醇+葡萄糖”反硝化溶液对硝酸盐浓度的降解率分别为6.45 %和21.52 %;单位长度组成材料“聚乙烯醇3 kg+淀粉颗粒3 kg”、“聚乙烯醇2 kg+淀粉颗粒4 kg”的两种反硝化固态反应器对硝酸盐浓度的降解率分为33.91%和34.96%。试验证明在裂隙型岩溶地区采用孔组方案进行地下水污染原位修复技术可行、且能取得较显著效果。修复工程布设方式和试验成果对类似地区开展岩溶地下水污染原位修复具一定借鉴意义。   相似文献   
Soil–water interaction is a pivotal process in many underwater geohazards such as underwater landslides where soil sediments gradually evolve into turbidity currents after interactions with ambient water. Due to the large deformations, multiphase interactions and phase changes this involves, investigations from numerical modelling of the transition process have been limited so far. This study explores a simple numerical replication of such soil–water mixing with respect to changes in average strength using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). A uniform viscoplastic model is used for both the solid-like and fluid-like SPH particles. The proposed numerical solution scheme is verified by single-phase dam break tests and multiphase simple shear tests. SPH combinations of solid-like and fluid-like particles can replicate the clay–water mixture as long as the liquidity index of the solid-like particles is larger than unity. The proposed numerical scheme is shown to capture key features of an underwater landslide such as hydroplaning, water entrainment and wave generation and thus shows promise as a tool to simulate the whole process of subaquatic geohazards involving solid–fluid transition during mass transport.  相似文献   
张运林  秦伯强  朱广伟 《湖泊科学》2020,32(5):1348-1359
过去40年,全球气候变暖、辐射变暗和变亮、风速减弱、气候异常波动等自然环境变化以及筑坝建闸、岸堤硬质化和调水引流等强烈人类活动势必会深刻改变太湖湖泊物理环境和过程,驱动湖泊生态系统演化.基于历史文献、档案数据以及气象水文和透明度等长期观测数据,本文系统梳理了太湖气温、水温、风速、水位和透明度等物理环境空间分布和长期变化特征,探讨了气温和风速、水位和透明度相互协同作用机制及其潜在生态环境意义.受全球变化和城市化等影响,过去40年太湖气温和水温呈现显著升高趋势,而近地面风速则表现为持续下降,湖泊增温和风速下降有利于藻类生长和蓝藻水华漂浮聚集,某种程度上增加了蓝藻水华出现频次和集聚的面积.为防洪和满足流域日益增长的水资源需求,闸坝管控和调水引流使太湖水位呈现缓慢增加趋势,而入湖污染物增加和富营养化则造成水体透明度逐渐下降,致使透明度与水位(水深)的比值明显降低,减少了湖底可利用光强,恶化水下光环境,在一定程度上驱动了太湖水生植被和草型生态系统退化.湖泊物理环境长期变化逐渐拓展了太湖藻型生境空间而压缩了草型生境空间,加剧了草型生态系统向藻型生态系统转化和增强了藻型生态系统的自我长期维持.太湖湖泊物理环境的显著变化也会部分抵消流域营养盐削减和湖体营养盐下降对藻类生物量和蓝藻水华的控制,增加了太湖蓝藻水华防控和湖泊富营养化治理的难度.这意味着未来流域控源截污需要更加严格的标准,而湖泊水位等物理环境的有效管控是应对藻华加剧和恢复草型生态系统的适应性管理策略.  相似文献   
以艾比湖流域主要入湖河流为研究对象,在5月(丰水期)和8月(枯水期)分别沿博尔塔拉河(博河)和精河进行采样,采用平行因子模型(PARAFAC)和三维荧光区域积分法对水体三维荧光特性进行研究并对其与水质的关系在枯、丰水期下的变化进行探讨.结果表明①河流DOM在枯水期与丰水期都含有C1(240、425 nm) UVC类腐殖质,C2(225、290 nm)紫外区内络氨酸类有机物,C3(230/280、330 nm)蛋白类有机物,C4(265、260 nm)腐殖质类共4种组分.通过对水体三维荧光进行区域积分可以看出DOM荧光成分的占比在不同时期的变化.博河在枯水期时EEM光谱中的区域Ⅲ富里酸含量低于丰水期,枯水期时区域Ⅱ芳香类蛋白质、区域Ⅳ可溶性微生物代谢物以及区域Ⅴ类腐殖质酸高于丰水期;对于精河来说,区域Ⅱ芳香类蛋白质和区域Ⅳ可溶性微生物代谢物在枯水期的含量高于丰水期,区域Ⅲ富里酸和区域Ⅴ类腐殖质酸的含量枯水期低于丰水期,这表明水体腐质化程度较高.②本研究选取了一些常规的荧光指数来描述枯、丰水期水体的荧光指数特性.经研究发现,精河的荧光指数、自生源指数和腐殖化指数在不同时期的变化幅度较小,而博河的变化幅度较大.③将荧光指数与水质参数进行相关性分析并建模,结果表明枯水期自生源指数(BIX)与化学需氧量呈显著正相关,相关系数R=0.688;丰水期时BIX与铵态氮浓度呈显著负相关,相关系数R=-0.493.通过对比分析艾比湖主要入湖河流的三维荧光光谱特性与水质在枯、丰水期时的关系进一步表明水体中DOM的特性以及在枯、丰水期下的差异,为艾比湖流域的治理改善提供一定的理论支持和参考依据.  相似文献   

Due to the strong disintegration and water erosion of completely weathered granite, water and mud inrush disasters are apt to take place in this zone during underwater tunnel construction. The pore, compactness, seepage path length, fracture geometries and their interconnections for water and mud transfer are strongly influenced by confining pressure and waterproof-resistant slab safety thickness. In order to inspect the influence, a series of experiments based on a self-designed testing system and non-Darcy testing method were performed. The results indicated that the water and mud inrush evolution increased with the increase of confining pressure and decreased with the increase of safety thickness. In particular, the confining pressure mainly influences the initial evolution stage, and a critical safety thickness to prevent water and mud inrush is obtained. Besides, the non-Darcy testing method results shows that the water and mud inrush evolution affects the influence of non-Darcy flow. For example, while the safety thickness was smaller than the critical value, the evolution was large and unstable and its behavior transferred into nonlinear. In this case, the flow changed to non-Darcy flow.  相似文献   
研究东日本地震、汶川地震和玉树地震震中及其附近区域在地震前后的水汽时间序列变化。首先分析震中MODIS水汽序列和震中附近探空站点水汽序列在地震前后的变化;然后基于GNSS ZTD与水汽之间的高相关性,以GNSS ZTD代替GNSS水汽,讨论震源区周围IGS站点的ZTD序列变化。研究发现,震后震中及其附近区域水汽值变化出现异常,且距离越近所受影响越大;水汽不断聚积,达到峰值后发生降水。  相似文献   
Recent studies have suggested that poikilothermic animals, such as fish, may represent a previously overlooked source of the faecal indicator bacteria (FIB) used for the assessment of water quality. However, quantitative studies of FIB in poikilotherms are scarce. We investigated the presence of FIB in the faeces of five freshwater fish species. E. coli and enterococci were detected in 71 and 76% of faecal samples, respectively. Concentrations were highly variable, with maximum concentrations (2.1?×?104 E. coli and 1.3?×?106 enterococci per gram of faecal material) up to four orders of magnitude higher than present in the water column. FIB were not detected in faecal samples from marine fish. Our findings suggest that FIB ingested from the environment may be capable of replication within the fish gut, making fish a potential source and transport mechanism for FIB in New Zealand freshwaters. This may have implications for water quality monitoring.  相似文献   
Di Zhu  Yue Ben  Xinfa Xu 《水文科学杂志》2020,65(12):2128-2141

The Ganjiang River is the largest tributary of Poyang Lake in China, and its hydrological regime variation greatly affects the utilization of regional water resources and the ecological environment of the lake. In this study, a novel trend analysis method, the Moving Average over Shifting Horizon (MASH), was applied to investigate the inter- and intra-annual trends of flow and water level from 1976 to 2016 at the Xiajiang and the Waizhou hydrological stations in the Ganjiang River. The Significant Change Rate Method (SCRM) was proposed to determine the MASH averaging parameters. The trend analysis results show a statistically significant decrease in water level series throughout the year and the relationship of flow and water level have changed greatly at the Waizhou station. The sediment load reduction, large-scale sand mining and water level decrease of Poyang Lake are identified as the main causes for the water level decrease.  相似文献   
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